There's enough good stuff on every hit of the Stumble button to fill an entire Sunday afternoon.
Here's a treat from my visit today to StumbleUpon... - a lifestyle blogzine is Awesome. One of the posts details the Colr Pickr, a cool way to browse photos on Flickr based on color. It's one of many unique tools by KrazyDad Jim Bumgardner.
Would you be interested in a link swap? Check out my site If you like what you see and agree, then link my site to yours, leave me a comment on my blog that you have done so and I will immediately do the same.
Second, "Potential"....I never really thought of the various meanings that it can have. In thinking back to when I first looked at your blog, the following comes to mind: 1) potential to attract lots of viewers because of it being pleasing to the eyes, 2) potential of me coming back many times, 3) potential in that I'll wait to see if you can keep it up (successful blogging is a commitment!), 4) scratching each other's back never entered into my definition. This may sound a little self-centered, but I know my blog is worth reading and is very helpful; I would never make the link swap offer to anyone who I would not want to link to. There are millions of blogs out there that I would not want anything to do with. Thank for the exercise in thought. That just confirmed that I made the right decision in linking to you.
1. I truly appreciate your comments and opinion. I agree a site/blog should be pleasing to the eye...why check it out if it's status quo?
2. My intention is to have you come back, just like your blog's intention. I'm not trying to sell anything other than myself and the ideas and ideals that are typically churning in my head. I believe blogging just might be one way to relieve the pressure on my mind and my heartstrings. My agenda is to make a positive difference.
3. Great point. When I boil down my skill sets the one item I pin down after 21 years of selling is this: I'm an idea guy. I love to create and implement but I'm not a fan of finishing a project all the way through. Leverage and delegating tasks to great people have helped me be 'successful'. Blogging is the one thing I've discovered where there's virtually no 'end' to finish or complete. It's like learning to play guitar or mastering the game of golf...if there's passion for it you never stop.
4. Glad to hear you weren't thinking of scratching backs.
Thanks again for the link swap. I'm glad we've connected.
I think your blog has potential.
Would you be interested in a link swap? Check out my site If you like what you see and agree, then link my site to yours, leave me a comment on my blog that you have done so and I will immediately do the same.
I'm curious:
define 'potential' and how it relates to my blog.
Is it potential for me, for you, or for us as a 'scratch my back and I'll scratch yours' scenario?
I know I have potential. Hell, everybody has potential. Sometimes we all need a prod or a kick in the ass to realize it and act on it.
I love the first sentence on your blog: ...dedicated to the development of your attitude...
First, I have linked your site to mine.
Second, "Potential"....I never really thought of the various meanings that it can have. In thinking back to when I first looked at your blog, the following comes to mind: 1) potential to attract lots of viewers because of it being pleasing to the eyes, 2) potential of me coming back many times, 3) potential in that I'll wait to see if you can keep it up (successful blogging is a commitment!), 4) scratching each other's back never entered into my definition. This may sound a little self-centered, but I know my blog is worth reading and is very helpful; I would never make the link swap offer to anyone who I would not want to link to. There are millions of blogs out there that I would not want anything to do with. Thank for the exercise in thought. That just confirmed that I made the right decision in linking to you.
regarding your points:
1. I truly appreciate your comments and opinion. I agree a site/blog should be pleasing to the eye...why check it out if it's status quo?
2. My intention is to have you come back, just like your blog's intention. I'm not trying to sell anything other than myself and the ideas and ideals that are typically churning in my head. I believe blogging just might be one way to relieve the pressure on my mind and my heartstrings. My agenda is to make a positive difference.
3. Great point. When I boil down my skill sets the one item I pin down after 21 years of selling is this: I'm an idea guy. I love to create and implement but I'm not a fan of finishing a project all the way through. Leverage and delegating tasks to great people have helped me be 'successful'. Blogging is the one thing I've discovered where there's virtually no 'end' to finish or complete. It's like learning to play guitar or mastering the game of golf...if there's passion for it you never stop.
4. Glad to hear you weren't thinking of scratching backs.
Thanks again for the link swap. I'm glad we've connected.
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